
it would be nice if the desire to see a mulatto cock was seen as a natural human emotion that should be celebrated, and not scorned.

one cannot truly appreciate the mystical nature of a mulatto cock unless experienced in person

lol “aim assist”

i just vote for whoever talks the loudest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

before the debate Donny will be talking with a few Extraterrestrial Experts (a real degree at TrumpU), where they will be talking about how Hillary Clinton is actually three smaller aliens. all three aliens hate white people tho

i commend the Trump campaign’s willingness to go full-redneck. there are so many opportunities for them to walk-back some of the blatant racism, but they go full-bore in the other direction. its pretty epic

this is real basic stuff, its like comparing a knife fight to ww2

Regardless, the Mojang team has actually shown that they are listening to the community in some respects.

I don’t respect the concept of laws because there are no rules in magic except for never tell how you do your stunts.

id tap that with caution

Starring: Max Johnson, Godessa Lick, and Mona Cummings 

At airport waiting to head for Ft. Lauderdale. By the way, do palm trees remind you of anything?

Its constituents, animated by the fumes, plod to the polls, only to be disappointed, again and again, because the truth of the matter is that the election is rigged, though it is not so as a result of voter fraud on Election Day itself but rather the systemic and systematic effort—in Congress, on the Supreme Court, bu

it doesnt say legendary, it says legendry

big deal, so he’s got a nice camera and has money to travel. i dunno why whoever’s in these photos has a gun though

which is worse: trying to sext a 15-year-old or bragging about sexual assault

lol haters back off i like the game. its cute and only sometimes broken

Pornographers have taken advantage of young working women and men for too long. Pornographers must not be allowed to continue to violate the law that protects these California workers. This is about fairness and responsibility. Visit FAIR4CA.org for more information.

“hidden speakers play specially engineered baby-lulling white noise while a gimbal motor rotates the bassinet mattress to and fro.”