
I agree, it looks like the two major pro-gun bills he supported were the Brady act in 1993 and the PLCAA in 2005. In 2013 he voted to expand background checks for firearm sales and for a ban on assault weapon sales. I believe he still gets an “F” from the NRA.

Paternity leave is also a feminist issue.

Name one company that supports breast feeding, is gay friendly, doesn’t police employees’ personal appearances but just happens to be transphobic. They may not be the same but acceptance of most of these things would point to also being accepting of transgender people.

would this post exist if she were a man?

Im sure procedures facilitated by the UNFPA would be a great deal safer, but this is a great, if heart breaking, piece in Aljazeera about abortions in Nigeria:

Totally, I agree with you 100%, ideologically. But pragmatically, I still think that treating this possibly-damaging, probably-innocuous (it is probably innocuous because he is a man) incident as definitely-harmful leads [idiots] to think that sexual assault is not something to be taken seriously.

Men can totally be assaulted, but was this man assaulted (assuming a lack of consent)? I think treating every “technically assault” as a serious, not-funny crime lessens the weight of traumatizing assaults.

reverse sexism has about as much weight to it as reverse racism