
Wow, judging by the comments (which are about 95% about wishing they were still around and/or bringing them back so we can EAT THEM AGAIN!) humanity has really come a long way in 300 years!

I saw a “Police Lives Matter” bumper sticker the other day and got to thinking about my response to that. Black lives matter, brown lives matter, white lives matter, police lives matter, all lives matter, of course they do, but by and large our society, justice system, media, etc. doesn’t need a reminder that police

Wow! I knew he was a total ass-clown but I had no idea what a shit-bag, hypocrite racist he is. Thank’s for the heads up.

DOJ - “Just imagine what we could do If only we had a list of who these people are who are extremely opposed to Trump...or at least knew where they like to drink coffee or what VPN they use or which one of their roommates pays the internet bill, shit nevermind.”

...admittedly, $2500 for a phone definitely = asshole, but let’s not forget $800 for a phone still puts you somewhere between douche and ass-hat.

The frightening thing is that in all likelihood at least one of these people wasn’t being sarcastic or ironic.

I think he’s stupid for a whole host of reasons. Squinting directly at the sun despite having proper eye-wear, being audibly warned not to do so, and knowing that he was on camera at the time) is just one of them.

If anyone wants to start human trials, I’ll gladly be part of the control group.

I don’t profess to be an expert, but the bottom line for me is it’s damn irresponsible to produce horribly dangerous and toxic waste which will remain so for hundreds of thousands of years. Passing the buck onto our great great great great great...grandchildren is not a good choice.

AT&T are completely inept asshats with zero regard for their customers IME. Where I live there are zero other options for Broadband. When they upgraded me to their fancy pants new “Uverse” service from regular old DSL they offered free installation and no price increase and said it would take about a day. 5 WEEKS

I believe the confusion lies in the fact that you herd a flock of goats, herd being the verb.

“Unruly Goat” = “Goat”. Having grown up around goats, I’ve never wondered why the devil is always portrayed as a goat.

Seems like all they could really do is deny permission to reenter US airspace, which could throw a monkey wrench in things, but I agree that the moon is a bit beyond the scope of the FAA.

I absolutely loath AT&T, but out where I live they are the ONLY option and they know it.

I come from a movie family. My great granddad owned a movie theater, my granddad owned several drive-ins which my dad grew up working at. I grew up watching horror and sci-fi movies, but dad always kept a running commentary going about the special effects and tricks that went into those films so they stayed fun and

I apologize ahead of time...

Your English is on par with the average Gawker commenter for whom English is their native (and only) language, so no apology needed ;-)