Yeah, looking at the site, they obviously do or at least aspire to build fences for other purposes and/or private customers. It was just the “huh, that’s weird” factor that made me look at the site. It was that description and the picture of the two fences with the razor wire slanting inward “/__\” so as to keep…
I’ve coveted this exact car (minus the automatic trans of course) for several years now. I recently retired my 91 hatch with just over 300k on it and by retire, I mean selling it to a teenager who’s still driving it. 40mpg, crazy easy to work on, plentiful cheap spare parts both salvage and aftermarket. So the shuttle…
My bad, I thought basic human decency was still a thing.
I was referring to two specific things and neither said nor implied that our border shouldn’t be fenced. ??!!?? This sign in the first picture caught my attention because “why do they need a website, they only have one customer, right...” a quick visit to the site proved really disturbing.
For years I spent my summers in Utah and my winters in Florida and on my bi-yearly cross country drives my mug with built in french press lid was my best friend. Just bring along a bag of good coffee and take advantage of the free hot water from the machine at nearly every gas station. It’s not the freshly burr ground…
For years I spent my summers in Utah and my winters in Florida and on my bi-yearly cross country drives my mug with…
the 1984 documentary “Red Dawn” clearly shows what will happen if we start regulating guns and gun ownership as illustrated above.
Thank you sir, I regret that I have only one star to give. When I expressed similar sentiment about crazy expensive phones in a comment on Gizmodo (I believe I called them something like “Pokemon, selfie toys that cost a month’s rent”) I couldn’t believe the amount of hate and trolling I got.’re saying that “Anti Fascist” = crazy agenda?
I saw a “Police Lives Matter” bumper sticker the other day and got to thinking about my response to that. Black lives matter, brown lives matter, white lives matter, police lives matter, all lives matter, of course they do, but by and large our society, justice system, media, etc. doesn’t need a reminder that police…
Wow! I knew he was a total ass-clown but I had no idea what a shit-bag, hypocrite racist he is. Thank’s for the heads up.
AT&T are completely inept asshats with zero regard for their customers IME. Where I live there are zero other options for Broadband. When they upgraded me to their fancy pants new “Uverse” service from regular old DSL they offered free installation and no price increase and said it would take about a day. 5 WEEKS…
Your English is on par with the average Gawker commenter for whom English is their native (and only) language, so no apology needed ;-)