As the former operator of a 1978 Dodge Omni, I can confirm that one can fuck in anything.
Hey, that's "place-ist".
Of our four bests, the VW GTI is the only one that really qualifies as a car for adults. In a land where most interiors have the aesthetic pleasure of meth face, the GTI is Mila Kunis. It's almost as if the person who designed the interior has working eyes and hands. It's better than cars that cost twice as much.
Like me :)
Tyler, I'm not the first to say this, but this is an excellent analytical post. Oh, but that we would not see this kind of reporting as exceptional. You are doing the Lord's work.
Does this plane fly into IAD? I would love to see it in person.
My "brother-from-another-mother" friend who lives in Germany has one of these high-power TDi Octavia wagons. His is black - of course. Last spring, I had a great time riding in it all over southern Germany.
For God's sake, Patrick, please stay outta jail. Beyond that — have fun!
Patrick, pure genius. Make it so.
I'll be over this weekend. :)
My Chevy Avalanches (I had both an '04 and '07) were pretty convenient vehicles. My 100-mile-per-day commute encouraged the purchase of my current Passat TDI, though.
Hey bud, I like my Volkswagen :)
Loved it! My wife and 13-yr old watched too, and my son said "Dad, you need to get an E30." I think I've raised a good boy;)
Best air show — ever!
Only for about 30 minutes. Then my 13-year-old wore out the joke :)
I had to buy new plate screws for my 2013 Passat TDI to get the job done. The plate frame was so thick that they would not go in far enough without the frame "taking up the slack". Done though, and "PASSAT" gone, as well.