
Oh sure, the Liberal media is fine if a black man wears a shirt like this but if a white man were to wear a shirt like this on ESPN denigrating African Americans everyone would flip out and ask how could he do it and what was he thinking and just how does he plan to revamp the 49ers offense.

I don’t know if it’s a chain, but a town I used to live in had a women’s fitness center named, Curve.

I think I can speak for everyone here when I say, “I’m not reading that.”

Is “every player on every team that isn’t a serious playoff contender has to spend all season wrapped in a melancholy humility” actually a thing you want to see?

Shut up, Byron.

However, thanks to an incident at a Colorado hotel, Vanessa Bryant has more ice than D’Angelo will ever see.

97% sure black people drinking outside is considered “a threat to public safety” by the NYPD.

Guilty... but you never know with internet strangers. People are really like that sometimes.

Few things: 1.) Nobody is complaining about Chris Martin wearing a “Global Citizen” armband. Why? White dude promoting a message that isn’t exclusively about black people doesn’t make white people uncomfortable. 2.) If promoting equal treatment for all people is a “political issue”, we as a country and as humanity

Excuse me, are you suggesting that words do not just mean whatever the speaker wants them to mean? Is this not still AMERICA?

Perhaps they should have been arguing less over who speaks Spanish and spent some time polishing up on their English.

Technically, as soon as he won re-election, President Obama became a lame duck in that he no longer has to face re-election.

That may be in their best interest. Call 911 and the cops will either not show up or, of they do come, shoot you and you’re elderly neighbor. At least with a crackhead the possibilities aren’t binary.

I think you missed the point. It’s not about Beyonce not wanting to be black. It’s about the fact that Loreal photoshopped the image to make her skin much lighter because, between that and the straight blonde hair, they wanted her to look white.

Man it must suck being lumped together like that, huh?

Have a cookie

I found myself humming Coldplay the other day, almost a week after seeing them on the Super Bowl show.
I knew I was white, I just didn’t know I was so goddamn hardcore.

Yes! That was my favorite part. Also,

I’m a 40 year old white guy who watched the Super Bowl Halftime show because I like Coldplay. I didn’t realize I was supposed to have been offended/not gotten Beyonce’s contribution until I was told the following day. (BTW, the outfits and choreography reminded me of Janet Jackson’s Rhythym Nation.) (Also, BTW, loved

Every newsoutlet I’ve read talks about the ‘everything is about us’ part, but my favorite part is by far: