Fuck you, you magnificent bastard.
Fuck you, you magnificent bastard.
D.B. Pooper
Ah, but you forget, Obama was on Twitter every day bashing his critics, attacking war heroes, civil rights legends, the disabled, and gold star parents while critiquing women based on their looks and hinting that they had secretly done porn.
i minored in using people’s words against them.
And I think it’s just unbelievably frustrating when you’re continually told, “It’s not big enough, it’s not good enough, you can’t win.”
“It’d be like Trump going to Arlington National Cemetery and bitching about the ratings for his State of the Union.”
It’s a good thing Obama didn’t have to with negative and demoralizing comments all the time.
It’s not about one tweet, it’s not about one picture, it’s about a constant theme. It’s about sitting here every time, and being told, “No. Well we don’t think he can do that, he’ll never accomplish that, he can’t win that, it won’t be the biggest, it’s not gonna be that good, the crowds aren’t that big, he’s not…
4. 2 men, 2 women. Then he’ll start holding the press conferences himself.
I heard that, as long as 20-30 years ago, immigrants from across the globe came to the US specifically to give birth to children who would someday be able to vote for Trump. And travelers from a distant future, able to manipulate the very fabric of time and space, travel back to 2016 to pay homage and vote for Trump.…
People mocked W. when he stated in 2004 that he had been given a “mandate” after narrowly defeating John Kerry. But W. actually DID beat Kerry in the popular vote (not by very much, but he did). Trump couldn’t even do that. He’s always going to be under that cloud, but he can’t accept that.
I’ll have to go find my tiny violin.
oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.
When more people actually voted for your opponent, it’s hard to rally the proverbial troops under the banner of “look how much support I have!”
Life is just so hard when you’re a billionaire in charge of the most powerful country on earth. I’ll have to go find my tiny violin.
Oh sure, the Liberal media is fine if a black man wears a shirt like this but if a white man were to wear a shirt like this on ESPN denigrating African Americans everyone would flip out and ask how could he do it and what was he thinking and just how does he plan to revamp the 49ers offense.
I don’t know if it’s a chain, but a town I used to live in had a women’s fitness center named, Curve.
I think I can speak for everyone here when I say, “I’m not reading that.”
However, thanks to an incident at a Colorado hotel, Vanessa Bryant has more ice than D’Angelo will ever see.