Rickety Janes

Actually the recent one with the Shakespearean love switcheroo was quite good.

this single episode out of the entire season…and it didnt make me care enough to continue, short of Monroe going feral and slaughtering these banal characters like Rosalie/ee…

Ya'll really arent very perceptive, but I guess that's why youre still watching this trainwreck of a show.

Dude, she IS, though…she's got that "smiling over my rage" look half the time…

Ugh Rosalee is incredibly annoying…do they just write her that way? It's like the actress
is trying to be as superficial as she possibly can, and the whole 'cucked Monroe' thing is
even worse…

I really REALLY hope Monroe grows his fangs back, and slaughters the whole Scoobie gang, gets stopped by Nick but not before mortally wounding him, then Nick tells Trubl where to find the stick and to carry on the fight…

Except Rosalie IS pre-demonic Amy Acker…she's getting kind of annoying though, with the whole "Oh I was such a wild-child, ya wuddent buhleeve ittt" thing….

Racist SJWs, that's who. Apparently.

LOL racist. Fascist haters like you belong in a labor camp.

Lol…I havent seen a 'your mom' comment in years, thanks for helping the ol' girl out lol

Cool racism! You go, Miss Thang!

Oh, sorry, am I a black man who's acting "smug and superior" (code language for 'uppity')?

It must be painful to live in such fear. I pity you.

It's an easy answer, ppl form their own communities based on their common interests - is this really that hard to understand? …

"I am not a lawyer, but I have watched a lot of Law and Order"

It's quite simple, and history has answered this question a million times over…basically "haters gonna hate".

Flatten your Latin

No, I don't see them as shutting down any free speech - the problem they have is with you importing millions of foreign nationals with the sole purpose of creating a voting bloc, paid for with public monies…it's insane…no Alt-Righties I've ever talked with had a problem which hole gets penetrated or not-penetrated, or

'white cismales' 'queer politics' 'white guys' 'meatspace' …
you sound pretty outraged about persecution to me…is it because you can't steamroller conversations in "meatspace" like you do online?

Wow, the SJWs can't even stop convicting each other of sin…you guys are like the Inquisition, addicted to your unsustainable pharisaism