
Actually its pretty nice in Boise today.

Its not even fair to blame Kotaku for slow reporting. Kotaku is on its last leg after the whole Hogan debacle. They are basically running a skeleton crew guys. If their reporting was already THE tabloid of news websites, do you really think they would start caring about quality when they are a days notice from being

As someone who loves Battleborn, that one hit close to home and made me laugh. So fun, yet so misunderstood. Though for a game to require you to sink 20 hours into just to start to be good isnt for most people. Such a pity

Anyone with a brain knows that you only leave out the scale in a chart when the values are insignificant. Kotaku once again displays their amateurism with. The people who are satisfied with graphs like these are the same people voting for Trump (was either that or a double digit IQ joke, or single digit age joke.