
Can’t we just be happy that we found an American teenager who isn’t fat?

This is why I keep saying: let the singer sing the anthem in a shower, and just pixelate the nudity for network TV. I swear it makes you sound a LOT better

Do the math. I mean, follow me on this one.

Yeah, what assholes thought the Warriors were going to win?

What is the story behind the McGahee reference here?

Yep. Sit the fucker. Want to see how fast his draft stock drops? Act like a selfish piece of shit.

Actually, I am surprised you found this post to pose your question, how did you even see it between the “clean a dirty coffee roaster” and the “elite Silver Lake pre-school” sports related posts on the front page?

He might physically be the worst QB in the league (slowest, weakest arm, most fragile, etc) but his knowledge, experience, ability to read and analyze defenses and make quick smart decisions still makes him one of the best (top 5? definitely top 10) QBs in the league.