Rick Cavaretti

Let’s hope we put that possibility behind us permanently in 2020.

So what happens if Microsoft or any other uber-powerful corporation simply refuses to pay taxes, or keeps running legal gambits that burn time till the 22nd century?

Ohhhh.  That was a good one.

Florida could use a little regulation and law and order. The place is looking like Road Warrior territory cross bred with Texas, with all the heavily armed, barely educated religious zealots running around, ramming each other in golf carts.

So Matt Gaetz now has to drive his dates home?

“I learned it from you, Dad! I learned it from you!”

Well, I mean it would make sense. How else are those kids gonna “stand your ground” and defend themselves when that lifted Super Duty brodozer bears down on them after they fail to check for oncoming traffic when pulling out onto the road. I FEARED FOR MY LIFE! MURICA!

Time to answer the age old question. If a Floridian child gets rolled over by a golf cart, does it make a sound?

Now playing

What this basically means is kids can’t just drive their parents’ golf carts on public roads anymore – something that was a pretty normal occurrence until this point.

Well, it’s Florida. So if you or your kid do need medical attention from a golf cart related (or any) incident, a medical professional can legally refuse to treat you if they have a conscience-based objection to your existence. 

I honestly thought the state was going to require minors to get a handgun before being allowed to drive a golf cart.

And, all while high on Oxy!!!

I just got back from Miami and the Keys - and my observation after 5 days in that part of Florida is that laws don’t appear to apply at all to middle-aged white people.

So many of those kids have dads with $100k+ lifted trucks that have never been off-road and moms that think they can do no wrong. I expect them to move to Texas next after this latest assault on their freedumbs. 

Can they drive them while in drag ?

Ohhh is the great Florida going to lecture us on the importance of road safety?

We found the Rand disciple.  

A lot of good has come from that, and been adopted by other states, even other nations.  

I’m a big supporter of unions, but you can’t stop progress.  Jobs become obsolete, most of our jobs may end up obsolete one day.  Universal basic income is inevitable.

It’s a little murkier because so much of big tech resides in CA, but if you're looking for logical, useful regulation you're best off checking CA and other blue states first. That's where the vast majority of good policy comes from.