Rick Cavaretti

Here’s an idea.  Stop selling huge agricultural and work vehicles to people.  Sell an actual, real car. 

Such US-centric reporting. Fiat has had consistent global sales for over a hundred years. It’s the US small car hating market that’s the problem. Americans are programmed to think ‘bigger is better’ from cars to homes to fast food meals. There simply isn’t a lot of room for a small car market, where such sized

Should have mentioned the chargers first, everyone else went straight to that common denominator in all the fires.  Something isn’t matched right.  

Is this topic popular today?  It just popped up on ArsTechnica a few hours ago.  

Hey, by chance can you roll down that bathroom window during flight? Just asking for a friend.

Using your comment as the basis of an insult, insert a you haven’t seen anything until you’ve met my ____”

Two things. If painted black, it could one of Batman’s vehicles.  If not used in that capacity, what were they thinking?  Someone’s on serious drugs.

I was thinking the plastic strap top in the Fifth Element.

That’s incredible how much power a small localized tornado has.  Nothing else appears to be affected by it. 

Recycling a finished product in good shape is wasteful at this point. Breaking down for spare parts is more ecological, preventing more energy use, raw material use and any generation of pollution.

Those stationary storage batteries increasingly are the cheaper iron phosphate chemistry, which don’t have the issue of batteries with cobalt. It simply will become a moot point as newer installations receive these, and the few already built having the older batteries, maybe get replaced in 20-25 years. Additionally,

I prefer True Delta for reliability data that says ‘I will be able to get to work or school today and back and not get stranded’. Not one that gives a Bluetooth/radio glitch, the same weight as a debilitating mechanical failure. Their philosophy on the matter is this:

I’m sure the prospects for a destabilizing event in the US, fracturing power in that part of the world, was also on their priority list. 

And with the amount of material required for all the batteries we’re presently manufacturing removed from the equation, there will be plenty left for other applications, and not sourced from the Congo.  Problem solved.

Voyager returned home packed with some early 25th century technology, from Janeway’s alternative future. I think I would want those transphasic torpedoes and replicating armor for some extra punch.

I’m not a church going person, but every night I prey for a cardiac event.

Not caring too much about Tesla at the moment, but as a whole, the EV industry, and energy storage industry, is moving away from expensive cobalt-containing lithium batteries. There’s just no reason at this point, as recent advances in cheap and stable iron phosphate batteries have allowed those batteries to almost

This is nothing new. Some bars and nightclubs roll video 24/7. We call it suggestive advertising.  Insecam is a compilation site that lists all public venue vids, from pool area at major resorts to coffee shops.  

Way too many Hyundai/Kia recommendations. After multiple serious issues on multiple cars in recent years, I won’t touch anything from them. I have no confidence in them not screwing up again, nor how they approach customer relations, which is to say, very lax.  

One can be up and running…cheaply…about 15 years* before the other, and utilize increasingly cheap storage to complement it.