Rick Bastardly

This show is absurd!

Stop I can only get so erect!

He uses A lighter voice when he is playing children and sometimes he will make his characters more nasally sounding.

Scaring the little girl?!

It was A reference to the tv mini-series The Langoliers and these weird time monsters look like testicle mans head.

He was too busy scaring the little girl!


I bet Hugh Jackman asked that same question to Bryan Singer on several occasions.

I don't want to be A pinhead no moreā€¦

It is your thirst. Your lust is hunger.

Yeah it might rule in Bizzaro world. I watched that movie A few weeks ago and it was awful.

Can everyone please just shut the fuck up about True Detective. It really isn't that bad. Fargo was the better show of the 2 anyway.

They don't?

It was on the Friday death slot for 2 seasons but this year they aired it in the well we already paid for this we might is well just burn this S3 off in the summer season and then kill it.

I would murder the people in charge and their entire bloodline. I would of course eat them as well.

I really enjoyed John Carter and I think it is sad that it bombed. What A fun movie.

Harvey Dent? Can we trust you?

According to people who blame violence on video games the answer is all of them.

It was A trap.

Nope the studio has faith in BvS and already hired him to direct both JL parts 1 and 2.