Rick Bastardly

My biggest laugh is at the end when Stan's Dad says, "Merry Christmas. And Your ass!" while talking about which places he was gonna make kids bleed from.

I just find it annoying and overly cliche no matter what the gender.

I just really hate the cliche "Women in refrigerators" crap that every superhero story just has to do. Women die to further A mans story far too much with superheroes and it's just getting old. My personal feelings may be clouding my judgement though. haha

I just saw a dude get struck by lightning and gain super powers I'm pretty sure anything is possible in this show now. Also I have a feeling that the Lazarus Pits are going to come into play soon because Malcolm seems a bit crazier now that he is alive again. I'm just speculating though with that last part.

Well with how many people that Ollie thinks "died" still walking around she could come back.

A fast character needs A fast origin I guess. They had A lot to cover in the last few minutes so that was probably why it was so quick.

Just watched the episode and holy damn my mind just about blew up. The minute he put the mask on I was afraid they weren't going to show it but the minute they did I shouted, "Yes!" loudly. The fangasm moments were amazing. I highly doubt Shado is dead, I think the league will train her to be the assassin she is in

Would it help if I told you she turned 17 today?

I really hope he's Lobo.

I think people are just trying to forget that things existence.

More people actually liked Into Darkness though.

Also Irving is so dead by the end of this season. They seem to be setting him up as the guy who sacrifices himself for the greater good.

The four may have stopped Jeremy's heart but what is to stop it from beating again? I get this feeling that Jeremy could be set up as A villain later. Moloch does like playing with emotions especially Crane's. It would be dumb and cliche but I think this show could make it work.

Hot coffee to the face!

It is based on something that Beck said to him while recording Royalty.

I'm just glad the last 2 episodes of this show were better then that not so great Thanksgiving one. I liked this episode but agree it is only B rating material. Hopefully the Christmas episode will be a beautiful A.

I played Get Lucky at A country bar and almost got murdered by hicks.

Bowie would kill them with fashion. His shoes would turn to the left on their throats. He would then put on his red shoes and dance the blues on their corpses.

I thought the first 4 tracks were great but the album fell apart pretty quickly after that for me personally.

Wally doesn't exist anymore in the new 52 so I doubt they will use him, until they half-ass A New 52 version of him that is.