Rick Lyon

@chripuck1: Maybe I should have phrased it "Puritans *continue* to ruin..." Democrats are scared little girls, too polite, too well mannered, too passive, etc to meet the screaming, aggressive, fanatical Republicans head on. I'm scared of them because since Bush got elected, anything is possible.

Including the price in the article would save us a click.

I've had my iPad since the day it came out, and 2 adults and 2 kids (games) use it daily and not ONCE has the battery died. Just saying.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: Puritans have ruined this country and the Tea Party are Puritan Extremists and scare me.

@EthanPeter: They were up like 27% from Feb thru July and then they went up like 100% in August.

That visual of the big globe heads is the exact reason I will NOT be buying the Move system. The controllers are just too lame.

Is that a Redneck Stig (in the above photo)? Will he drive trucks and RVs on the show?

@markps: HDR is not about color (that's a side effect) it's about the shadow detail and white clipping. No more black and/or white washed areas. So in the end, it's about detail.

@Dawgvet06: Until you realize it's an S8 and you were being silly for brushing it off so quickly.

@geolemon: They cameara attachment is a USB/SD card reader, $30 I believe. Maybe check that out.

Very cool. Keep up the migration to HTML5 google! It's better for everyone in the long run.

@acidrain69: I'd love to see the cow walk against those cross winds. Seriously, who designed these?

@geolemon: #2 is irrelevant because the iPad was designed to sync with iTunes. So getting your thumb drive contents is easy. Oh, and you get the adapter for the SD card and import right to the iPad if you didn't want to sync to the computer.

@KingKorg: Neither is part of iLife but I agree, being able to hook into iChat would be awesome for the iphone4-less mac users out there.

Ah, there's 2 polar bears shown...

Angled lines look sloppy. That search bar on #11 is horrible.


@YankBoffin: Somehow gold chains does not fit into the vision I have of a Lambo owner.

Does this explain why I see more of the loading gif than I do the actual video I'm trying to play on YouTube?

@Reginald P Brown IV: You lost all credibility with "good marketing has made Apple, not innovative products" and end up coming off as an anti-apple shrill.