Rick Lyon

Bane was in Batman 4. If you know Batman, you know Bane.

I'm fairly confident he got his voice from his parents genes.

The problem is you end up with perfect light in a much smaller focal area as incandescent disperse the light over a much larger area. So if you replace the lights with LEDs, just know that you'll have a limited area lit up in a smaller focal point.

@Ja_mestheGreat: Cut the Rope, Axe in the Face, Jenga, Field Runners are some of my favs.

@DocSeuss: Mirror's Edge is fun, not familiar with the other.

@Wolfess: Real breasts sag 'further' down...

Front end reminds me of the Sonata Hybrid.

Vizio=Hyundai. Coming up fast for a while now, just no one saw it coming.

@keerock: You understand this would befor the next gen iPad right? USB, 2 dock ports, etc.

"Russian Kids" as the title would have sufficed. No need to waste more words that fail to explain anything.

Lame. I was expecting like a full on 5 minutes of Steven Segal awesomeness.

Nice, I want to check out a few.

C3PO needs to eat.

Google maps doesn't tell me where my wife is. I Like the idea of knowing where she should she break down or get kidnapped. Also a great way to track your kids if they are old enough for phones.

@ZZZYZZZ: haha, same joke I was coming in with.

@Motor_Yakuza: Seriously? That's like the 2nd best selling model. "The Panamera is proving a boon to Porsche’s car business. They’re doing better than expected."

Nice stripper pole.

You need a mac to do moar.

What did I miss? He didn't crash or run anyone off the road and seemed to have decent time. Why all the hate?