Rick Lyon

What NSFW?! I didn't find any :(

He's riding real hard.

If there is a god and he uses windows, that explains why this planat is so f*ked up.

Ronin was 'meh'? You lost credibility with me there. Bye.

I like the new Kias.

Some engines need to be covered up.

quattro, FTW!!!1!

Ah nope, don't see it.

That is great, I haven't seen those before.

...that looks like a large Equinox, or is it the Outlook, or is it the Arcadia or is it...

Pics or it didn't happen.

So that means Whitacare is a mindless puppet?

Seems like I'd be knocking my hand into the shifter every time I reach for the radio or AC. Idiotic placement IMO.

Nice price for what you get.

Well, Lutz is in charge of marketing now right? haha....

I got a 123

Wow, basically all domestic. Explains the bailout.

For $400 grand I could buy 2 R8s and build a private race track to run them on.

I hate black wheels that make tires look dirty grey, especially on a black car.

Like a redneck took an old 'vette and gave it the 4x4 monster car treatment.