
I assume you haven’t seen the rest of the video.

Well, HIMYM reruns was pretty much what I watch on netflix now that all the other shows I obsessively watch over and over are gone. Might be time to cancel the ol’ netflix account

The reporter is probably just copping an attitude because it is difficult to hold 1.) her hat on, 2.) the microphone, and 3.) that guy’s beer.

IT guy here, we don’t give a shit. Promise. We prefer to not have to archive your emails or monitor you. I would much rather spend my day arguing in the Kinja comments...so dont piss off your boss. Thanks!

Looks more like a Puma to me.

I don’t get why this is so hard for people to understand. I drive FAST always but have no problem letting someone FASTER go ahead of me. It boggles my mind.

Silly man, this is the internet.

Okay so this one time, I convinced my friend to let us take his dads 250 California out for the day in Chicago and...well...lets just say it was one interesting day off.


51 years old and still running down pedestrians like the day she rolled off the lot.

It’s noted as “horrific.” Here’s where:

Meh. This semi-new-console concept is making me yawn and want to go back to PC gaming full-time.