
50 first dates was pleasant, certainly not terrible.

Spayed/Neutered? Keep your dogs under control people.

Maybe i am misreading, you tip the person at the drive thru window?

Did they ever stop? Maybe they were just stealing a bus.....

They are not paying the striking teachers so they have the money

Not sure Fox news can fired but its worth a shot.

I don’t fear Pence, its the people the Republican party would put in place for him that give me shivers (Think Bush/Cheney, did Bush really scare anyone out of that duo?).


Thats proposed but not happening yet.

From someone who works in IT keep personal and business separate. Connecting your machine to Azure AD gives your company all sorts of power over your personal device and you shouldn’t (hopefully) be very comfortable with your employer having the ability to wipe/monitor/control every aspect of your personal machine.

What amazes me more about that is they zero’ed the odometer on it, i have never heard of that before during a restoration.

I will take all the Skyline 2000's and s600's please

Probably the most used cookbooks in my house. Don’t expect to have chapters on on the intricacies of different hand shapes to use while making dough but they will give you brief description on why they have done something certain way.

BMW do seem to have there weight distribution well sorted, normally in car flying videos you get a near immediate dipping of the front end, this was flying as straight as an arrow until it hit the tunnel.

I am not sure there is a better way of comparing than by per capita. Sure there will always be other factors but the correlation between strict gun controls and lowest per capita rates matches up pretty well. All of the states you mentioned have a higher per capita death by firearm rate than Cali and all are above the

I don’t quite get the media attention Tucker has been receiving recently, his opinions and leanings match that of the network he is on (and have done forever) and he’s not exactly aiming his continued shitty point of view to anyone outside of the Fox bubble, did Hannity calm down or is he just not flavor of the month?

Sure they have the most murders by state but then they have the largest population of any state, if you look at the murder rate by population they are easily in the bottom 10.

I am not restricted on where i can buy video games, if Sony suddenly said the only place you can buy PS4 games was through its store they would have the same issue.

It doesn’t say reboot, it says a new movie. (I can’t imagine what you could add to the series with a part IV though)

Depends where you live, Chicago/ Detroit sure, South of New York on the east coast, all seasons are fine