I am sure they will both shake it off.
I am sure they will both shake it off.
Every team in the league would love to achieve exactly what Golden State has done. As long as the players are happy with the situation whatya gonna do?
I believe he is a member of the Monster Raving Loony party
They produce great basketball, its hardly the Warriors fault they have been able to build a great team
Parity ruins sports.
Relax, enjoy watching greatness. Whether you like the Warriors or not they are playing fun to watch Basketball
That is acknowledging the issue, not pretending it doesn’t exist.
Who is pretending they are not a problem?
Trump didn’t cancel an Airforce One order, he just tweet bragged that he cut the estimated cost (Which has gone back up)
Why does this policy change have to be treated like a fucking reality show reveal? You are governing the damm country not trying to beat Judge Judy in the ratings....
Not sure about replacing Cena with him, he is very over with the crowd right now but the lack of speaking skills will ultimately hinder him. AJ on the other hand......
You seem to be a pretty angry person, you should probably stay away from the internet it will give you a heart attack and that is not going to do your future healthcare costs any favors.
Lots of people were bothered by this none more so than republicans who have bitched since it came out.
You don’t check-in your seat gets resold- not exactly a new process
If you meet the UCSIS criteria for immigration and follow there guidelines the process is pretty simple, can be done without an lawyer and is not a gamble at all.
Hot take, i liked the Mike segments (Except the selling part but does anyone enjoy that?) His advise during the car purchasing is usually insightful and helpful and i always found him visiting somewhere to get a part refurbished interesting.
+1 for the use of a Dodgy song
Being polite has worked for me, last time i was pulled over the officer told that me although i was speeding i was being courteous for allowing plenty of room when overtaking and using my turn signals so just slow it down.
They may drive fast in Jersey but in PA if some bozo is in the 3rd lane on 95 driving at 55 and creating a back up i know they have Jersey plates.
New Jersey right?