
I have not said you have to haggle but the manufacturers pricing is increased to allow for this and it becomes a fight between the customer and the dealership about who gets the better cut.

Having quotas on a high end car with fixed pricing does seem strange

I don’t know anyone who enjoys buying a car, haggleing over a price is one of the biggest pains there is, why should a price i get offered depend on the salesman i get/ the time of the month i am buying a car/ the location i go to. I don’t go the supermarket or Bestbuy and negotiate the amount of profit they make off

Scion’s closing was a product issue not a pricing one.

Saturn didn’t die because of no haggle pricing, they died because they made mediocre cars no one wanted to buy, your pricing model doesn’t matter if no one wants your product.

Why should Tesla try and sell things the same way as other dealers, a main part of there shtick is uniform pricing with no haggling, i wish other manufacturers did the same thing it would make the car buying process a lot simpler.

In Philly i regularly see Sheriff’s office Chevy Impala’s sitting with blocks of wood holding the hood open on very hot days, they are parked so dash cam’s wouldn’t see anything anyway.

In Philly i regularly see Sheriff’s office Chevy Impala’s sitting with blocks of wood holding the hood open on very hot days, they are parked so dash cam’s wouldn’t see anything anyway.

lol 200k will get you an engine and maybe a few body panels

Could you? I don’t see how anything could be salvagable from that car. Even if Ferrari would sell you every single part to an F40 i doubt it would be less than $1.5 million

Liftkits and big tires no, someone blacking out the car while have having a fluorescent green interior, probably.

25 years? holy cow, i have never had one last longer than 15 without an ominous wetness appearing underneath it eventully

Renting would cost significantly more in my neighborhood than purchasing.

Other than being a car manufacturer themselves and a technology provider to many others?

I wouldn’t call Mclaren “Scrappy” anymore.

I doubt he ever plans to drive it on the street, does any of that matter for a show car?

I think this will be a nice cash grab for AC motors, pretty cars but that is a hell of alot of money for a new build of a 1962 car even if it is a Cobra.

Who cares where the outfielders stand, if they all shift then hit the other way, that will stop that.

Remember that scene from the Italian Job remake where the Napster (Seth Green) hacks into LA’s traffic control center
