
Golden Girls Gifs are my catnip

Lindy, you need to get to Cal Anderson and make drills happen.

Sweet Home Alabama?

Is there any possible way to point out racism in satirical way without you being butthurt?

God, to be beholden to the tastes of a 2 year old.

Maillard reaction you fucking simple ass peon

Oh good god no.

No, it just has to be "tragic"

Not having a child wins again! Thanks parents for validating my choice.

United in Orange and Sadness.


Healthful? We have words already for these things like healthy. Do you also use addicting instead of addictive?

Uhg, thats the fucking kicker

NFL won't suspend players for drunk driving, spouse abuse, and a whole host of other illegal things but pot...POT. NFL is so fucking regressive.

The horror!

Provide one.

So a toddler isn't aaccountable for their weight because a parent feeds them, but an adult isn't accountable for their weight because...they feed themselves?

3 things:

I don't know, olds revere the theater going experience as a thing. Now I just want to watch something worth watching - I'm not picky by any means but I just can't suffer uninspired.

What a Girl Wants has 4 or 5 montages.