Faux Rich

The previous seasons weren’t really any heavier into science fiction than this one. Once you got past the whole “human cloning exists” aspect early on, it was more about relationships and evil corporations than anything else. And this season still has the Ledas and now the Castors trying to figure out this whole

Satellite physicist here.

The scorpion actually showed up in the second issue of the comic before it appeared on the show.

How that scorpion doesn’t have a twitter account is beyond me.

TAKE IT, FRODO! It’ll be awesome!

Japan? Radiation? Mysterious glow? Isn’t this the opening scene of about 3,700 movies?

To paraphrase William Gibson from Mona Lisa Overdrive: they're engaged in a pitched battle higher up in the operating system.

They agreed to call a truce during March Madness and even agreed to give up for a day to whoever had the better bracket?

There hasn't been a show since Fringe that's kept me so entertained during the episode and kept me thinking about it so much long after the episode's finished. What I really appreciate about 12 Monkeys is that, upon first reflection, many of the plot twists and turns seem to either make no sense or to be inconsistent

Don't mention the war!

I agree on Terra Nova. I nominate Journeyman and especially Stargate Universe which got really good when SyFy cancelled it.

It was a fantastically shot episode! Direction and cinematography was in the upper ranks of television production. I hope they get some recognition for it.

I Think I found out why.