Hey, I just fell madly in love, so count me out of any doom and gloom about April.
Hey, I just fell madly in love, so count me out of any doom and gloom about April.
and obligatory Tom Lehrer reference.
11 days ago, "It [was] announced that Charlotte Moore will be the new head of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC One)." So, maybe things will change?
thanks, i was guessing it was something like an undercoating
why are the bombers yellow? would that be a decent camouflage color in any lighting condition? i rather doubt it.
anyone else think of Captain Jack Harkness? after all, when it comes to coming back from the dead, he's the best we've ever seen. i'm just saying, Clara might be related somehow?
I'm hoping they reset the timeline and go back to before there was going to a Fiscal Cliff in the US. Fat Chance, though....
thanks for including Journeyman in the list. i always hoped that the showrunner would one day say where the storyline was intended to go.
was i the only one to think of this image?
Collider.com reported yesterday that "...we have yet another sign that the villain (Benedict Cumberbatch) in Star Trek Into Darkness will probably be Khan." And goes on to explain why.
yeah, this list could not be complete without a quote from Captain Jack...
ooo, and it's also got Andrew Sachs (Fawlty Towers' Manuel), and Romola Garai (The Hour, and other stuff), Bernard Cribbins (Wilf!). can't wait.
i especially enjoyed Dallas Roberts in Rubicon.
i had the great pleasure of interviewing Adams for a book i wrote. what a smart guy. i need to dig out that micro-cassette.
from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy...
they should open up and operate a drive-through Starbucks, or something.
are you suggesting that the Big Bang was God squishing a Twinkie?
In 1865, organic chemist August Kekulé claimed that a day-dream of an Uroboros inspired his discovery of the structure of Benzene.
Yeah, they really need to do *something* else. Bring back Helen Cutter or Danny, or ...