Faux Rich

i had the great pleasure of interviewing Adams for a book i wrote. what a smart guy. i need to dig out that micro-cassette.

from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy...

they should open up and operate a drive-through Starbucks, or something.

are you suggesting that the Big Bang was God squishing a Twinkie?

In 1865, organic chemist August Kekulé claimed that a day-dream of an Uroboros inspired his discovery of the structure of Benzene.

Yeah, they really need to do *something* else. Bring back Helen Cutter or Danny, or ...

speaking of which, Primeval: New World seems stuck in monster of the week mode. boring. gonna have lousy ratings and be cancelled if this continues much longer.

and Primeval: New World airs on Monday, for those living in Canada, and those who don't mind downloading torrents.

yeah, what's the point of having all these weapons of mass destruction if we can't use them at least once in a while? they'll get rusty or something.

i agree with Strax that we should declare war on the moon. i mean, why not?

cry? no way. i smiled throughout. it was just great to watch all that memorable movie making. [i swear i'm not a cold hearted bastard.]

Primeval: New World premiers tonight. It will be broadcast on Space in Canada, and on Watch in the United Kingdom.

Thanks for reminding me about Biggus Dickus and Incontinentia Buttocks . It's no use for me trying not to laugh.

so, uh, Mobius Dickius?

can someone help me polish the Cockey rhyming slang phrase into a joke about "Taking the Mickey Mantle"?

Speaking of Moffat's tropes, the way Amy and Rory exit the story is exactly the same way that Kathy Nightingale did (Sally Sparrow's best friend in Blink)... blinked back in time to live out a happy life in the past.

how the Egyptian pyramids were built, and what the Sphinx looked like in its original glory.

the KT Boundary event 65 million years ago, and the end of the era of dinosaurs.

Fun topic. Is there any research on whether Lesbians have a similar attraction to breasts? If so, it might slant the analysis towards the relevance of sexuality, and perhaps slightly away from simple chemistry.

LOL, thanks.