Hey, Dr. Dave— wouldn't any attempt to view and/or measure this would require disrupting the Absolute Zeroness of what was being observed? Not in a Heisenbergy kind of way, but in practice?
Hey, Dr. Dave— wouldn't any attempt to view and/or measure this would require disrupting the Absolute Zeroness of what was being observed? Not in a Heisenbergy kind of way, but in practice?
Vertigo City
The Almighty Johnsons season 2 (episode 1 was broadcast yesterday in New Zealand). see Wikipedia, if you don't already know about this. it's very popular, down under.
as i'm still preparing for Sherlock series 3, Inspector Lewis 6, Luther 3, Silk 2, Primeval 6, and of course Doctor Who (and, hope against hope, Torchwood).
i've been preparing for weeks to download the new episodes!
props to whomever selected the Burgess Meredith photo from the 1959 Twilight Zone episode, "Time Enough at Last."
Henry is born many eons before September. so that's not possible. not that anything is actually impossible in Fringe.
when September shows Peter how he distracted Walternate at just the wrong moment, he explains that he ah to be there because it was so important. What was so important about being that at that exact moment? or did i misinterpret something?
that's brilliant. i'll ask my doctor to renew my Cortexiphan prescription. and, who knows, the Alt Faux Rich has already done that.
Wikipedia/s entry for the 22 fourth season episodes: [en.wikipedia.org](season_4).
is there life after Fringe? i can't bear the thought.
couldn't help myself. BTW, "Kagemusha" remains my favorite Kurosawa movie of all time.
yup, where all "the trees are the right height." and all the smegheads are smeggy.
everything Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity have ever done? clearly science fiction, and they could only be intending to be humorous, right? they couldn't possible be taken seriously in the real world.
the should be using io9-ium. the perfect substance for constructing a Death Star.
i agree (my degree is in physics from RPI). i was just reacting to the headline's mention of truth.
That's exactly right, thank you. The previous theory of gravity was proven to be incorrect. So much for representing truth with a capital T.
according to the Wikipedia entry on ""The God particle" [en.wikipedia.org]
uh, please correct me if i'm mistaken, but didn't the Eddington experimental results disprove Newton's inverse square law? Newton's law does not predict the results that Eddington got. so, uh, wasn't he actually disproved? i think so, but only with a confidence less than 5 sigma.