Faux Rich

Hey — i can drive the whole way!

@JesusDeSaad: the metaphor is more likely about RMS Carpathia [[] the ship that rescued survivors of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. that fits.

@corpore-metal: so, "So Long, and Thanks for All the [fill-in-the-blanks]"?

@corpore-metal: i was not referring to AIs. Was simply referring to the abilities of humans to develop technologies that we're not wise enough to use safely. yet.

@corpore-metal: The problem is simply that the human race has not yet developed the wisdom to use the technology it has developed.

@corpore-metal: Military set to develop smart, robotic cameras

@corpore-metal: BTW, re: septillions, if processing power increases in line with Moore's Law, then a single processor at the end of this century will be approximately 1% of a septillion times more powerful than a processor at the start of this century.

@corpore-metal: [orchestral intro to Also sprach Zarathustra heard in the background, a la 2001, accompanied by video of apes throwing bones or iPads] Ray Kurzweils' book about the Age of Intelligent machines forecasts that by mid-century individual processors will have as many interconnections as s single human

@corpore-metal: glad to see someone is hard at work at designing/creating SkyNet's favorite play things. keep up the good work.

i actually had a similar idea, years ago: to wrap a water slide around the outside of the Washington Monument.

Liquid Metal is next. [start running]

@BioLady: The second series was in my Flash Forward. It wasn't in yours?

@bob_d: agree, and agree.

@Lawdog: We only think it got canceled. We can never win.

@belial_77: actually, the last time around you did NOT forget about Paradox but this time, paradoxically, you did.

@Ceric Neesh: and/or add John Noble, Aussie actor, who plats Walter and Walternate on Fringe. the three of them would be yummy chaos. Like the Marx Brothers.

1-Fry needs to show up on House, with Laurie. Singing together, a la Jeeves/Wooster. There is no substitute for Fry.

@Snake56: I miss Henshall too, but still enjoy the show. Love Danny. And looking forward to timey-wimey travel tricks.

thanks for one of the best posts EVER.