
Powerful? Are you kidding? Gosh, I wish her story was powerful. As it was, I didn’t even care about the story. Who cares about Zelda when you’re shield surfing and playing dress up with Link? The strength of BotW’s storytelling was solely environmental: learning about the demolition of Hyrule was really neat. But it

Apologies in advance, Patricia, as this is going to come off more harshly than I intend. As best as I can tell, the only people who care about this are the same people who complain about Peach in Mario games, which is to say opinion writers. The other 99% enjoy the games for what they are and all the traditions large

Why anyone would want to romance that loudmouth asshole, who does nothing but cause dissension in the group and just generally suck, outside of his battle powers, I have no idea. Fuck Ryuji. He prevents me from recommending Persona 5 to anyone I know. I have a Vaan-level hatred for him. To the point where the game was

She got the hair right. Very few get the hair right.

You know what, at least in my country we dont have actual rapists in the senate and people defending them, you know? Now that is something people should be writing about. US is the most hypocritical country ever. But i guess americans are too stupid to realize that.

Man...I wonder why? lol

Man...I wonder why? lol

Fuck Destiny 2.

Fuck Destiny 2.

The game really is that rubbish? They keep selling it way below retail price... I liked the first one but burned out.. too much grind..

The game really is that rubbish? They keep selling it way below retail price... I liked the first one but burned

LOL, no thanks, I don’t need a $26 ticket on the Titanic.

LOL, no thanks, I don’t need a $26 ticket on the Titanic.

There is no way that this is a good sign for the longevity of Destiny 2. The original definitely didn’t get discounted like this at launch, and player outrage is growing. I still haven’t purchased a copy because of the clusterfuck that is a built in aimbot, but every day I am a little more glad that I’m not playing.

There is no way that this is a good sign for the longevity of Destiny 2. The original definitely didn’t get

Destiny 2 just released a new shader called “Desperation.” It’s not a good look.

Destiny 2 just released a new shader called “Desperation.” It’s not a good look.

Destiny is dead.

Destiny is dead.

The ones listed on the Kotaku pages are terrible offers, I know because I have bought some of them significantly cheaper and browsed on Amazon before. Once clicking on the page and there were good offers. Rightstuf has some good sales too of anime, or at least a few days ago.

The ones listed on the Kotaku pages are terrible offers, I know because I have bought some of them significantly

Coke and dogs. Fuck Pepsi and cats

Nah, thanks. I think I’ll stay. But anyone here who has a problem with that is perfectly free to leave if they want. ☺

If Melania was married to a liberal* we’d all be praising her for such a daring, artistic and non-conformist Christmas decor.

It would be refreshing for a developer to just come out and say that loot boxes are going to continue because they make a lot of money and they aren’t going to do anything until various governments step in to put an end to it. The regulation will come, and any developer who acts surprised about it is a bald face liar.

“IT’S COSMETIC” is the dumbest excuse you dumb people make to defend corporate bullshit. Sorry kid, we’re not letting that slide anymore. Cosmetics are one of the most important parts of games, especially multiplayer games. Go back to playing Facebook and phone games and quit ruining gaming for the gamers with your

Just makes you wonder what other things they’ve implemented and aren’t telling the players.

So, they admit they know without investigation yet they don’t like how the system they built behaves. So glad I didn’t get it on xbl sales these past days. Not even worth my 20$. And being this mainstream means they will get away with the backlash easily. Fml and their fans.