Every example they name in this article is at least 10 years old. Except Deadly Premonition which was a bomb. I’m not sure how any of this has to do with the modern landscape of games being weird.
Every example they name in this article is at least 10 years old. Except Deadly Premonition which was a bomb. I’m not sure how any of this has to do with the modern landscape of games being weird.
Maybe if Ubisoft made a better product that didn’t hog up players CPU with crappy DRM, more people would pay for the product.
LOL at the implication that because some people pirate games, all PC gamers deserve this sort of treatment argument.
I was actually considering getting this game for PC this weekend but hearing that this is an issue, i’m not going to invest the money. I have an FX 8320 CPU which is definitely showing its age but can…
That’s some hyperbole. There’s no evidence that a stolen game = a lost sale.
Maybe if they stop doing stuff like this then people wouldn’t feel the need to pirate the games to get around their performance crippling “fixes”.
Doesn’t this happen sometimes on Kotaku as well?
Your loss. Could be playing this, Zelda, xenoblade (soon), portable Stardew Valley, etc. and the inevitable VC release. But yea. Get salty about that 300 bucks.
Complaining about the plot of a Mario game. JFC.
Then do you consider Mario 64 Open World?
This isn’t some random thing that happened. This is the final straw after years of him being a thinly-veiled piece of shit who hates women. People are 100000% allowed to form their own opinions about other people.
It was really charming how relentlessly he mentioned that she was “bi” in one of his responses.
If you’re perpetuating this place I hope you too have left GAF Jason.
Funny I thought it was just a bunch of colored pixels arranged in different patterns. No actual anyone harmed in this production. Incest in this case is interesting excuse me sir is that pixel your sister? No she is just my sister from another server. At one level I see how subject matter could be disturbing, at…
> You’ve kind of got to prepare for the hammer to come down.
In a related incident, Malka bragged about groping a woman who asked him to buy her a drink in Spain, and then aggressively defended it. He comes off as a total dick:
The credibility of his story isn’t the issue; there’s no reason to bother with that. It’s the way he tells it that gives him away.
Wouldn’t matter since her allegations weren’t the only ones, Satan.
words about tweets