Pause, take a breath, and have some patience next time you start the odyssey home from Target.
Pause, take a breath, and have some patience next time you start the odyssey home from Target.
As part of my week at Space Camp back in 1985, I got to wear one of Buzz Aldrin’s practice suits as part of a demo. I remember it being small even for me as an upcoming 9th grader and very hot without the cooling pack working. Procedures had you donning the helmet last, but you always have to take the gloves off first…
1068 bananas
One of my neighbors had a brilliant idea for a paint booth — go to walmart (or a garage sale) and buy a cheap 2-man dome tent. You could set it up just about anywhere — the garage, yard, hell, even the living room if you’re single — and it will keep things dust free and contain the overspray. Put stuff on a lazy susan…
What could they be lying about in terms of delivery drivers? Do you really think they say “Oh you won’t have many packages around Christmas”?
Controversial opinion. If you don’t think you can handle delivering a bunch of packages, don’t sign up to be a guy who delivers a bunch of packages.
Florida jailed a FedEx driver for doing that just this week.
Not sure this in any way controversial. I’ve never heard any one claim otherwise.
Did it in the early Eighties, in a Z-28 no less. If I went into highway hypnosis and forgot to look at the speedometer, I would find myself doing 85mph. Cops waiting for drivers like me. After 2 hours of driving, you thought you went nowhere because the scenery didn’t change. Driving from Denver to Manhattan, KS…
blame Benz dealer at USA. Accordingly, Mercedes-Benz dealers in the US led a campaign for tighter import regulations, which came into law in 1988 as the Imported Vehicle Safety Compliance Act.
The Prowler is awesome, even w/ a V6.
I agree. I’ve always found the 928 rather ugly.
Its a Catch-22 I think. You’re clearly correct that it would make these cars much more fun, interesting, and reliable for their 2nd/3rd owners. But if manufacturers did that the cars would never sell to their 1st owners, who primarily just want an A-to-B appliance with a warranty an a service plan.
Agreed, 55 mph is dumb.
90s Chrysler is why I was a fan of theirs for so long. What they were doing may not have been good, but at least they were trying something interesting. Nowadays you couldn’t pay me to own a Chrysler product, but back then they had some wild looking cars for the era
You aren’t wrong
90's era Chrysler took all sorts of wild swings, made interesting things, did top-tier concept cars, and if they weren’t American, more people would recognize that.
West Texas. Just mile after mile of mile after mile.
The Porsche 944 is better looking than the 928.
Fields and fields.... corn... corn... soybeans... corn... soybeans.... exit... corn....