Rambling babbling incoherent drivel. And lies with every utterance. Do this now America:
Rambling babbling incoherent drivel. And lies with every utterance. Do this now America:
Because tax dollars going to private for profit schools is an awesome idea of socialism for the rich. Rich people love government giveaways that benefit them, not so much if it benefits the rest of us working poor. And Reaganomics trickle down didn’t work so well either. And the wall fell due to a bankrupt regime. So…
Sadly proving that everything the turnip does he really did learn in kindergarten. The US Government has a procurement process designed specifically to keep politicians and their friends from getting all of my tax dollars. The US is a nation of laws, learn the laws, follow the laws, work to change the laws, or please…
When reason and logic become outdated, ignorance and arrogance will swoop in to fill the void.
Oh look more scam companies taking investors money and blowing it on whatever they want. Businesses are for making money, not wasting money. When will people learn to stop throwing money at scams? Oh right, never, new scam over there line up and hand over the cash! Wishful thinking is not a business case just…
This needs to happen.
When it’s my money then it’s my color choice. Jalops are known for their amazing abilities to mix and match and make selections different than the beige camry crowd. Liven up the color schemes, use colors and patterns that clash a bit with the boring that I see every time I drive.
This needs to happen.
This needs to happen.
This needs to happen.
This needs to happen
This needs to happen.
The world needs more waterlily wraps on cars!
So does washing dishes, washing clothing, washing humans, so what was your point again? Just really curious if you do those other things and are thinking about the environmental impacts of them while doing them. Weird to me the justifications for doing one thing while not doing another. Not judging just wondering. And…
Any experienced and qualified adults considered for these positions will decline having anything to do with this administration, with good reason. Those who have accepted positions have a few common characteristics: devotion to a person not the country, and love of money and power.
So invest in a couple of pretty gold encrusted Turnip Hotels we’re gonna build and tourist dollars will pour in bigly. Can’t lose! And after that a casino or three, casinos bring in money bigly too! Best investments ever!
When are more grownups with actual qualifications going to do what’s right and lawful?