Richie Lomas

I feel like this is a self-fulfilling prophesy on the internet. Large fandom communities for shows that inspire a lot of emotional investment get overrun by the vocal minority that demand it be interpreted as they want it, then any one who doesn't feel like getting into fights ends up abandoning large public SU

I always thought that maybe the reason that the Gems don't explain much of anything to Steven unless asked or if its made pertinent is because that's simply not part of Gem society. Gems are born fully sentient, competent at their purpose, and I imagine are created with a functional knowledge of their society,

so far as the imprisonment thing, I took that as Steven first convinced them to use their collective parts to network into a comfortable whole, like so many neurons in a brain, but that would be a long term project, and they were unable to commit to it due to the urge to form. By bubbling, the Cluster is free of the

eh, Lenin was in France and Switzerland until pretty much right before the Russian Revolutions…

Uh, now now you do eventually have uh, uh landmarks blowing up in your Independence…Independence Day movie? Hello?

No one is outlawing these police boycotts. They just think its a dumb overreaction to legitimate criticism and solidarity. Life isn't some middle school classroom where everyone has to treat the right's opinions with the same respect as the left. If more people get upset by your views, it means it isn't as popular.

Actual real life programs of conditional cash transfers in nations like Brazil, Bolivia, and Malawi, which all have far more corrupt and inefficient governments than the US, have shown that they are actually far more effective than funding NGO's or through indirect means like vouchers, food stamps, etc.

probably not. The mutation for fair skin appears to have developed relatively recently, less than 7,000 years BCE. Mostly likely this was due to vitamin deficiency due to the switch to cereal crops after the agricultural revolution, necessitating less melanin for greater exposure to UV light so as to synthesize

Technically a great episode, but I was forced to watch my long-held ship for this show rise and fall in the course of 20 minutes, so feelings are mixed…

So what you're saying is there is only one true grammar
All other grammar is sub-grammar, lesser grammar.
And should be eradicated…
In other words, the "Master Grammar"

They're just trying to promote traditional Russian values. One of which is never having fun

I don't think it's targeted at people who are already informed about the issue, so it's hard to say that its failed because it doesn't appeal someone not in its demographic.

I think you missed the point of Persepolis…

Hmm…a movie based on a surrealist, adult-friendly cartoon with execs throwing out words like "franchise potential"?

Only thing that could brighten this is if they're giving it over to Bassem Youssef until he can do comedy in Egypt again.

I really enjoyed the Red Dead Redemption option (I don't know what other games might have it) where the fast travel option (stage coach) allows you to just watch the world go by rather than actually skip ahead to the destination. I'll use the opportunity to make tea or a snack, read a bit, etc, but I can always look

so…prequel season?

Post Civil War? Wyoming? After years of doing Spaghetti-Western-<insert genre="">'s, are we getting closer to having a straight up Spaghetti-Western from Tarantino?

The irony that "Everything is Awesome" is so popular despite being panned in the film as being designed to be a mindless, inane, pro-authority, uninspired pop tune still astounds me.

I mean, if battling mechs was not only their engagement, but their expected engagement, I can't wait to see the honeymoon