Matt Gonzalez

If there’s one thing the NCAA got right in the Penn St. matter, it was letting players transfer immediately.

No, it was not perfectly okay to cave her face in because she started it, but lashing out at someone who is attacking you is a perfectly normal human response for most people. We’d all like to be perfectly zen and let the shit we encounter wash away without covering us but life isn’t like that. I don’t think most

And you also apparently have amazing emotional control, not something everybody, especially teenagers have. I will tell you right now as an old ass woman who basically has striven and managed not to get into confrontations because I have a bad temper and who absolutely thinks the response was out of proportion, if

I’m not sure what you’ve said that I’ve ignored. I responded directly to your indication that she was no threat - we live in a day and age where anyone can be a threat to anyone - technology can make size obsolete (e.g. a gun).

Sorry, but we have progressed past the Stone Age. We have more than pointy sticks to shake at each other, and size isn’t all that matters. As an aside, you are letting the outcome bias your opinion. A smaller person shoves, and then slaps a larger one - can the larger one respond with a punch or not? If not, then I’d

It was also reported that she made the first two acts of physical violence - first shoving him, then slapping him across the face. I can imagine that would be a pretty good reason for her to want it suppressed.

According to reporters who saw the video, the interaction started with her, then she made it physical by shoving him, then she escalated by slapping him across the face. Then she got punched. Now go back in your mind and envision in her place was man instead of a woman. Wouldn’t everyone be saying he got what he