
Exhibit #7491 as to why “white allies” won the 2017 World Wypipo Tournament.

Have billed ourselves as the “Greatest Country In The World”, then outraged that people want to come here.

I know it’s just a coincidence, but the fact that his name is Officer Ferguson makes this story extra fucked up.

I’m a Bostonian of Irish Catholic heritage, and I won’t argue with that characterization one bit.

Ex-general or not, he still has that pernicious Irish-Catholic racism veiled under that thin skin. Saw it during my schooling and saw that in certain of my relatives though his is of the nastier Boston variety, not the smiling midwestern strain.


In what world does saying “I’m uncomfortable with this” not mean stop? How is that ambiguous? If you told someone you were uncomfortable with something they were doing would you not mean that they should stop doing that thing that made you uncomfortable?

Most of dystopian fiction is putting White people in a future that has already come, gone, and is still here for Black folks. Look at books like The Hunger Games where you have White people rebelling against a rich evil class. The Handmaiden’s tale is Black women’s story from all around the world. Their bodies used

Amen. White women did not care that African American women could not vote, they did not care when black women could not even go to school. All the conflict about women working outside the home that took place within the white feminist movement, black women never had those debates because we had no choice. Black women

I am not watching that Handmaid’s Tale nonsense for this very same reason. Black women were dragged across an ocean to have all these things actually happen to them for centuries, it is only a problem when it happens to fictional white women? Have ALL the Seats!!! The issues that the United States are confronting

This list is kind of jacked. Southerners do not consider DC or Baltimore the South despite being below the Mason Dixon. Also, Baltimore making this list is kind of outrageous unless they took into account the Bmore suburbs as well, I guess.

Rebekahzula Mercer: I can see your whole history in your eyes. You were born with nothing. So you’ve had to struggle and connive and claw your way to power. But true power, the divine right to rule, is something you’re born with. The truth is: they don’t know which one of us is going to be sitting down on that throne,

Have you lost your GD mind?

No offense, but “Steve Bannon’s career is over” seems like a pretty terrible take. Oh no, he’s not on the board of Breitbart anymore! Come on. He could get booked on any cable news hour he wanted tomorrow or any time for years to come. He could tweet or say any number of things and immediately make headlines and

um, are you saying that FB didnt promulgate an unending stream of fake news, anti-empirical BS for basically the entirety of its existence, let alone the 2016 election season? I deleted FB ~15 months ago due to the unending stream of easily and obviously false info hitting my feed. I dont miss it.

What was he afraid of being shot?

I feel like that alone is enough to start a damn uprising over.

i will recount a story now:

I’d like to take this time to talk about Thomas Jefferson being trash. Sally Hemings was his dead wife’s 14 year old half sister who looked nearly identical to her and who was part of his inheritance from his father in law. She was away from home and though technically free in Paris, was fully at the mercy of the of