
The incredible innovation of writing two articles a week of casual prose and posting them online doesn’t get someone a lifetime pass able to handwave away all criticism of his turning into an incredibly lazy hackish writer the previous version of himself would have roasted on a regular basis.

(And there’s another

Drew didn’t say the best sportswriter, but the most powerful and influential and it’s hard to come up with a good counterpoint. There are many REALLY good sportswriters, but none can point to a grantland-level project let along multiple versions of it. Simmons is influential enough that ESPN though it was a good idea

Simmons hit a chord with a certain age/era of fans. For a while his work was extremely worthwhile.

It’s funny to read someone who does no actual reporting question someone else’s. The last time Bill Simmons had a scoop he accidentally tweeted out what he meant to be a DM

Have you been to Europe? I have and I can confirm that they are a hell of a lot more progressive than we are here in America. Honestly, I can buy it. I think maybe they didn’t see it as racist because it didn’t dawn on them. I could be wrong of course but I do know that they are more more future thinking and inclusive

Sorry but Jezebel and The Becky crew is trying their hardest to co-op this shit too. I don’t want to read an article about all the great “feminist” moments at this shit show of whiteism because at the end of the day white women gave themselves a pat on the back for calling out white men and not saying one damn thing

As a professional, it pains me to see black folks get up in arms over the Golden Globes. The Golden Globes are like that guy at the club that is too pressed to buy you a drink. The Foreign Press Association is made up of 90 white journalists from (maybe an Asian one or two) from outside of the US. When I see folks get

Jezebel = Beckyhell. No thank you.

Family, bop on over to Jezebel and see how tempered the comments are on Oprah’s speech.

It’s not spoken of much, but Gal Gadot was really portraying Oprah in Wonder Woman. I mean, that’s who Wonder Woman actually is, right?

I would have settled for this

I don’t think I’ve spent as much time, total, on anything in my life as Gerald Green must have on getting the Rockets logo braided into his hair.

A white man could fly a jet into a skyscraper and he’d be “A victim of GPS recalculation.”

Bannon’s not going to implicate Trump...he’s doing this to get back at (((Kushner))). They’re all going to claim Trump knew nothing about it at all.

Louboutin’s have red on the bottom of their heels aka ‘these expensive, these are red bottoms, these are bloody shoes’

Manu forever.

Tours used to be cheaper because originally they were just promotion for new albums. Nowadays it’s the other way around. The tours are the moneymakers and the new music is just an incentive to keep you going.

But she played a lot of stadiums in addition to arenas during the tour for 1989 and they all sold out. There were actually 14 venues on that tour that have more seats than the US Bank Stadium where the Super Bowl will be played. (Thanks Wikipedia!)

The 1989 tour was also a stadium tour....