richelieu jr

Problem is, you need not only bee clued in to smell the high-octane bullshit, you have to have a word-limit to your piece that allows you to even begin to explain the jargon.

That was certainly their song when dozens of them including MRS HUBBARD were convicted of the largest espionage operation ever undertaken agains the US Government.

Interesting, but I would, have to dispute the idea that a 61 minute film is a 'feature'. Certainly the AMPAS does not consider it as such.

C'mon,no "This World Over" by XTC, but room for "Time Will Fall", which according to my little book, says even it's creator said it was only 'Half about nuclear destruction—or something.."?

Given the title, I was surprised not to see this little gem on the list, "Dream" by "Loser" co-writer and producer Carl Stephenson's 'band' "Forest for the Trees":

At this hour?!!

The song 1984 off DD comes from the fact that Bowie had been planning a musical of the book, the whole disk is more or less a vestige of that— and you forgot the best Clash DB reference, playing on the old nursery rhyme "oranges and lemons", for Clash City Rickers, "Come on and show me/Say the bells of old Bowie",

Noel, this is a fine, sensitive piece of music criticism, and amazingly concise.


Thanks, and all you say is true.

Thanks, man.

Sure, what do you want to know?
In fact, the package in question was an Amazon-style small package about the size of one you'd get if you'd ordered a DVD.

Dear AVCLubbers-


That's the rub— See, even the puke is stolen. He spends each night rummaging around fashionable nightclubs and outside the houses of talented people and collecting only the best chokes, the sauciest quips, the most-uppy chuckles, then spreads them out in short bursts for his loved one(s) to smell upon rising (bile).

I remember it being an attempt at a Star Swords (& Sorcery), with absolutely nothing original or believable, with a mish-mash of styles and techniques borrowed from better films. It is indeed tonally jarring, but what I hated the most were the out-of-nowhere attempts at humour, the blatant attempt to R2D2 and 3PO the

Oh for Galt's Sake!

A dance sensation where the most productive dancer, or the one who feels the most superior the STRONGEST— wins a date with an aged, bitter, didactic crone with a dusty, judgemental vagina.

Thanks for this.

Beautiful metaphore there, truly!