richelieu jr

Sorry, but I'll try this again:

Am I the only one around here who thinks that Harry may have been separated at birth from John Lydon?

Am I the only one around here who thinks that Harry may have been separated at birth from John Lydon?

I'd have to say they missed a big one, the Beer and Ice Cream etc concoction that Nick Nolte fixes in Cannery Row is doubtless what he was drinking the night he had that mug shot taken…

Everybody is always talking about LATTE-TOWN, but nobody ever DOES anything about it!

Breakfast by Association— Has it really come to this?

Depends on what sort of 'tea' you are talking about, I suppose…

You are clearly not a comic.

I really like the disc as well, but it IS a Sgt Pepper's Rip-Off…

"People like you are literal poison to society. Shut up. You have no
fucking clue what the stones intended or did not intend with this song."

I don't even need to scroll through yet to know I am not on this list, however:

"Black Slappers' is actually a very fine magazine. Excellent ficiton and articles.

Headless Body Found in Topless Bar still reigns…

Wow!, that's great! I'd never even heard of that!

Boy, what's with Scientologists playing mentally-challenged people?
There's at least three of them on this list!

FWIW, I am French, I live in Paris. And I have no idea what city that film takes place in, but it seems nothing like Paris to me.

While I do not disagree with the idea that SNL has always appeared better in retrospect, with everyone looking back to some mythical 'golden age' that never really existed as such, I quite disagree that SNL is in error by 'amusing itself' rather than staying topical. True, SNLhas done some yeoman work in political

Do yourself a favor and read it. You could use the practice, Einstein.
I’m not sure you understood one word I wrote. But don’t try reading them gain? It might confuse you.

If these reviews are 'written from the point of view' of a newbie, does that mean that the writer knows more than he is letting on? Has he created a character (or has SHE? Clever, these females! What will they think of next?) who is pretending ignorance, playing dumb? All the better to unveil the worst spoiler in

That screen shot does end up looking awfully close to a rather famous Frank Lloyd Wright house in LA that has been in a to of films including Blade Runner and The Rocketeer…