richelieu jr

I quite agree, edged, and this is true of all Tat's films; For one thing, they re aesthetically amazing and Playtime in particular (shot in beautiful 70mm) is ravishing.. But it also allows you to see the precision and attention to detail, as well as the subtlety and understatement of everything.

I think you may beaver-intellectualizing the experience… It is certainly critique of modernity, but the point is the accumulation of small, charming moments into a bigger, charming, occasionally hilarious experience…

Here in France we have a saying, 'Nul n'est prophet dans son propre pays.." ('No one is a prophet in their own country…') which pretty much sums up Tati. (It was true of Kurosawa as well, amongst other directors..) He gets a little respect these days, at long last, but at the end of his life he was unappreciated and

There is actually an English-language version of this called, 'My Uncle' which is available on some DVD and BluRay sets here in France, anyway…

Let me ask you this- Do you like Troy’s accent? Prefer her acting to Nimoy’s? As for being drunk when I wrote that- most likely, though that has nothing to do with the typos, or very little…

Was Dax drunk when she made the comment "Boy, we definitely need the some help now!", or do symbiotes have a hard time with English grammar?

Croque-mitaine me ans boogy-man, the translation is perfect… It doesn't mean mît t'en bitter any more than boogy am, means a man made out of snot.

HE is great and crotchety in Kennedy et moi, aussi!

In fact, though French is a much harder language, f-grammatically, it is much easier to spell as it has been standardized…
English has many more words, and they come from all over.. I mean, "Rendezvous'? What possible internal English logic is there for the silent 'z'? the 'ez' making a long 'A' sound? etc, etc…

You should post! We are"n't that mean, really (well, maybe me, but the others are nice!)

…et pendant qu'on est en train de corriger des petites d'autres, il faut dire que "Un Air de famille" n'est pas du tout intraduisible! D'angelo vient de la faire (meme s'il n'est pas necessaire de rajouter "certain") Un 'aire de famille' est 'a family resemblence' ni plus, ni moins… Mais dit comme cela, ça lui prive

Are you trying to imply that Paul Dano didn't deserve his beating in Prisoners?