richelieu jr

Wow, I cannot tell you how this upsets me.

There were alot of his scenes that were cut out— He once showed me one where Jack Nance is walking down th hall and in one door he sees a flash and looking in there is Gill, with a naked white f-girl and a naked black girl stretched out, face down on slabs. He sparks the jumper cables otgther and, chomping that cigar

They are mistakes, but not necessarily ones they were unaware of, they just thought it was the right choice.. Any 'subconsicous' manipulation is not only pure specultion, but almost laughably ridiculous…

Now that's just Wong, Leo…

This is a very good, useful article (and one that I will use in part with my film students next year, as part f my war on voice-over and narration as anything other than an 'unreliable narrator' tool) but can we please be a bit more careful with the language?

To be fair- It is hard to imagine anyone but aMickey Roarke appreciating the Bras Dog treatment

Yeah, a real honour!

Not his fault- All was quiet in New Year’s Day, but just after, who could have heard that pin drop?—

I guess I always assumed Joel had heard REM's "It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine)" somewhere and took a five-finger discount into Boomer-town..

Well, not 'flew' so much as 'carried along with him as HE flew'…

What? An article that mentions the New Beverly and doesn't immediately start lionizing/deriding/tangentially mentioning Tarantino?

And, as local news has taught us, 'If it bleeds, it leads' and Jesse Ventura has never had a lead role because—!!!

Illuminatin infuckati

That sigh can only mean one thing— Viagra.

Yeah, that's my experience of these guys as well- Not a lot of pretention, and really caring about the fans and the scene (and this is after the absolutely mopped the stage with us after we opened for them in Paris, around the same time you're speaking of…)..

FinalCutPRo has breathed its last. Someone put a big "X" on its future.

Ah yes, but you forget our Louis XIV, my friend, 'The Sun King' The Beatles sang about so famously in made-up Spanish for inscrutable English reasons…

Devos and BugEyes

She is wonderful in that film. Truly a revelation.

Makes sense to me. Stil, you’d think they’d keep to French dialogue to the francophones.