Reference acknowledged.
Reference acknowledged.
Unrelated, a flowerpot and a sperm whale crashed on the Alaskan shore a couple of minutes later.
The only good thing that ever came out of Dorne
Again. Baby yoda came first. This is the way.
It was my go to response to get people to stop talking to me about it. If I said no, they’d say you’ll change your mind. If I said yes, they’d try and track my ovulation. If I said I’m not sure, they’d drone on about their lives and I could space out and eat my Christmas dinner in peace.
he doesn’t know if he wants kids
Logan Paul: He’s course and rough and irritating and he gets everywhere
Imagine being SO INSECURE that you blow up your whole criminal enterprise because you can’t let a comment from a teenager go?
Have fun staying poor brah.
The precise term you are looking for is “Ponzi Scheme”. Play to Earn games are literally just a Ponzi Scheme.
Some folks Coffeezilla talked to shelled out tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars on CryptoZoo because they believed Paul was a “changed man”
These stories just aren’t as fun anymore now that most of the crypto simps seem to have gone quiet following their “investments” crashing and burning recently. The comments just aren’t the same without them telling us how we just “don’t understand” (just ignore the fact they themselves can’t explain it) or how this is…
Okay but also he’s still an asshole. Like, he’s such an asshole he managed to get people to cheer the Miz during their feud
“Paul, who’s been on something of a redemption arc these last few years following the “suicide forest” fiasco in December 2017"
What possible sequence of events could have occurred for you to put forward the suggestion that Paul has been on ‘a redemption arc’ beyond the bare minimum of not going back to a suicide…
Yes, any idiot should be acutely aware of what a safely constructed foam pit looks like, the needed density of foam, required depth, and supporting materials. Any participant who cares about their life at ALL will bring a foam pit checklist and ensure adequate inspection is done immediately before performing a jump.
Ooh, disrespectfully disagreeing. Nice try, wannabe edgelord. What are you, 8? Or do girls not like you?
I think you just contradicted yourself with the construction comparison and agreed with the comment you "disrespectfully disagreed" with.
Alas, I shall have to live with your all-caps disrespect for the rest of my life. It shall haunt me. Nonetheless, everyone is entitled to their own view, and that is that.
Haha you're so funny and good point too! You know, eveytime someone takes a hard fall I immediately suspect multiple spinal fractures.
But then you buy it, so is the blame really with the corporations?