
Wow. Both of my state's senators voted 'sell' on this. Embarrassing. Reason's like this are causing businesses and people to leave Indiana in droves. It's stuff like this that has led my wife and I to move to Washington (in 2 weeks!). RFRA, this, big-agriculture's just a sad, close-minded place to

Yes it was.

I want to say Middle Earth, due to all the nasties inhabiting that universe...but man. Oh man, what a universe.

He's excellent in Frank as well, if you're a Dommy G fan.

Ah, yes. Makes sense. Maybe I didn't think that through because I didn't want it to be the case.

You're my favorite person here today. Well, after my hero Simon Pegg, that is.

Question for you all: Did anyone else try to watch Daredevil at midnight (eastern) last night, thinking, "surely Netflix is going to make it available right at midnight, and not some arbitrary time later in the day..."? I did. And I was sad to see no Daredevil.

I'm equal parts nerd and nature-lover. I'm a soon-to-be 30 year old fellow. I'm a conservationist/water resource specialist in Indiana...who is transplanting to Long Beach, Washington in two weeks! HUZZAH!

That’s hilarious! But i like Steve Zahn. He just seems nice.

Just because it would make me feel so much better, Close Encounters of the Third Kind should be over Indiana-land alongside Christmas Story. Most of the film takes place in central Indiana.

Came here to post that. Thanks!

Not the oldest thing I have, but the coolest old thing I have: a 3.5x5-foot 1970 Fellini movie poster.

Oh nice! Well, good sir or madam, I do apologize, and I thank you.

Haha, thanks! Maybe I should...stuffy British island, here I come!

Aside from having a man-crush on Tom Hardy and being stoked to see him portray Max (his Bane portrayal excluded, though not hated), I'm also super goddamn fucking excited to see Nicholas Hoult be a post-apocalyptic crazy pants in this film. That guy's got chops.

They certainly seem to need green infrastructure in their urban planning, but since they depend to a significant degree on agriculture (and are admittedly running down the quality of their soil), I’d say they need a soil health and water resource specialist to build up the organic matter in their soils and help to

No, that is LINK! Zelda is the princess!!

Pretty awesome! But no Fredric Brown on there, sadly. If you're reading this, Galactic Journey, check out some Fredric Brown!!!

Anyone here ever read Tom Robbins's Villa Incognito? Starts off with a tanuki-god parachuting to earth with his scrotum.

I always like Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson's discovery/deduction that cosmic background radiation was the signature cosmic "static" from the Big Bang. They thought the static was terrestrial in origin, either from city noise/radio pollution or from pigeons roosting and pooping in/on the radio telescope...they even