
But is there single player?

Wow, that's actually a very articulate and appropriate response to this long-time cultural meme (not sure if "meme" is actually the right word for the hatred of CS, but you know...). Bravo, good sir. Bravo.

He has played the devil! Wait...that's why you said that right?

I can never get enough of that universe. :)

Good job on (most) of the food picks. Bad job on being polite, tactful, gracious, and other basic human character traits that exist in society. No need to be assy in an attempt to make this a humorous post. It's interesting enough in its own right (which is why I read it), but I was pretty turned off by the need

Hear hear.

I like your style, those are great podcasts (and there are a few I've never heard of, so I'll be checking those out!).

I'm not sure why I stuck apostrophes after the Ks and Cs in that comment. I feel a little silly now. I choose to blame no coffee today for those bush-league errors.

Does anyone know why K's often replce C's in acronyms? TK is "to come", for instance, and the "KT" in the KT event (the big asteroid) stands for the "Cretaceous-Tertiary". Insight, anybody?

Good insight, thank you. I wasn't stating that I think we are the top/end result, but simply that that particular view is laden with hubris. I think we are a blip in the big picture, and I love to think that way: how insignificant we are compared to the vastness and richness that nature and the physical universe

um...split hairs much?

Care to elaborate and make some sense? I have no idea what you are alluding to...and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I went and saw it in HFR thinking I was going to the 24fps...I was instantly off-put. I realized immediately that I was watching it at 48fps and couldn't just get into any scene without mentally stepping out to look at different parts of the was distracting.


I think you suck at life. That is all.

Nostradamus, towing/mining vessel!

hear hear

In the post-apocalyptic society Coca-Cola will be invaluable for its vitality-boosting properties. And in the event that someone saves glass bottles as well, they'll have some extra cash on hand when they save their bottle caps! Good strategy, jbrecken. I'm on board.

Oh, Doc. You always entertain me with your dark, realism-peppered humor weighing in on our—oh wait, that could actually happen some day? Shit.