

I will buy this if it's possible. Is there a link?? I would love to buy some good wool yarn and "knit" caps as gifts for my buddies and family all fall/winter long.

Goodness...I'm not sure what to say...

What phluaria said...

Good recap, Cyriaque! I laughed out loud a few times reading it at work (yes I did that). That's how I know a recap is good, when it forces me to out myself with laughter for doing something other than my job (at least for the time being).

I think the two dots are one umlaut. But I agree.

I've been at #1 and #14 on that list. I agree with the #1 (drank it all day, every day, and on weekends while checking greenhouses, growth chambers and lab samples). I want to disagree with 14. I'm a government worker now and drink damn near as much...but I guess that's my personal behavior, not an indicator that

I saw that and was hoping it was purposful. As in, the T. Rex eats more, THEN eats others. He is a T. Rex, after all.

Say, quiet you! ;) Sorry, I don't mean that. But I still have to say it because while I have been going to see other movies, I WILL go see Avengers again.

I own the Prestige and forget about it all the time. Then once in a while I dust it off, watch it and sh*t myself at how much I love it. I then return it to its DVD case and forget about it for between 6 months and a year.

I agree. I love seeing the refreshing attitude you have, corpore-metal. I don't see any reason we shouldn't be excited when more nations can do more science in space, near or far. In the big picture it will all help take us closer to expanding our knowledge as a race...and maybe our population too some day!

The only Smaug I ever picture is totally in my head because as a child I had only the decriptions in the book and Tolkien's stylistic illustration at the beginning. That's what I've been planning to put on my body somewhere...forever!

Yeah, Kubrick was an eccentric, reclusive weirdo. To his credit. :)

Dude, then don't sign up for the lottery. Jeez. And read The Case for Mars to answer simply many of your assumptions about what they have to carry/make/do while there. It's just one example of literature dumbed down for lay person reading. They won't be choosing average joes for this. They will choose people of

After reading the article's title I thought we'd actually see aphorisms or colloquial phrases from the different centuries, not just two generalizations and no specific examples. "And", "of", "the" and "in the course of the" are all pretty anticlimactic.