Not to mention RUR, where the term 'robot' was invented.
Not to mention RUR, where the term 'robot' was invented.
Gary Oldman has that effect on me, too.
Is that from A Bit of Fry and Laurie? I miss that show!
Mary is also supposed not to have died, but "ascended" to heaven. So three I guess? I don't know if there were any fireworks involved. Also, the "rapture" as it's described today isn't in the bible, but it's become a staple of certain protestant denominations (or is that non-denominational christian sects?) so far…
All the songs from Lion King.
On behalf of everyone reading but not taking part in that back and forth between you and GreasyPig (and feeling painfully awkward at seeing its audacity), I apologize for your needless suffering.
Dude chill out. You aren't a staff writer here, she is. Read the story and like it or don't like it.
I was just in the UP camping a few weeks ago (During the Duck Lake Fire! Eek!) and there were quite a few folks up there talking about the issue at a gas station...they seemed pretty divided, but from what I gathered, it's come up in the past a few times and just doesn't quite get the momentum it needs. I really…
Alrighty, thanks. I think I just wanted it to be more for the sake of having fewer problems with it...?
Like your style, monkey man.
I thought Mars size was 38% that of Earth but that it was denser and thus has about 60% of Earth's gravity? Did I imagine reading that? I honestly may have...but I think it was in Zubrin's, Case for Mars.
Mars-y shore!
I don't know much about the subject or theory, but I love when folks post their full thoughts like this. I do wonder though, wasn't the middle east at the time of the ice age a flourishing lush environment? I know northern africa was, and only after the 'great thaw' did those areas enter deserification...i think...
I LOVE Whedon but I really was saddened by Resurrection. Not only did he disown it but he said it no longer resembled the story he wrote. There are hints of his influence in the movie, which would normally be enough for me to say 'good enough', but he got a few lines and a few attitudes put in his way at best. A…
Well said.
Also, I know Prometheus isn't suppose to be a bona-fide prequel, but having (or will have had?) taken place in the same universe on a previous/separate timeline, I assume there have been lots of alien species discovered, intelligent and not, while Weyland Corp./Weyland-Yutani Corp. were "building better worlds." …
Agreed, nothing after yeah, just the first two. 3 was better than Resurrection by far, but still disappointing. I refused to watch AVP and really only watch Res. on principle (I felt obligated). Jean Pierre Jeunet is great, but really dropped the ball on that one...
In the pipe, five by five. Alien will always be my favorite though. It gave me my first recurring nightmares and also my it's not appropriate to say aloud.
Here here. or is it hear hear? Anyway, yes.