Richard Staszewski

Good thing you didnt come to the marathon cause people with sticks up their asses like yourself wouldnt have had any fun. Just like the guy said in the article, none of these movies will ever be as good as they were when watching them with this crowd. Stick to watching movies by yourself and yelling at people for

This was during the intermission right before Age of Ultron, the whole theatre participated cause everyone was amped up for making it through to the premiere. Clearly you've never done a marathon or even premier of movies before because the crowd being excited and interacting with the movies is what makes it the best

I proudly say that I started that Age of Ultron chant from the balcony, been going ti a lot of baseball games this seasons and felt like bringing some of that to the marathon. You hit the nail on the head though, none of these movies will ever be as good as they were when watching them with this crowd. Im already