Family reason 1. My rich wife will kill me. Reason 2. See reason one.
Family reason 1. My rich wife will kill me. Reason 2. See reason one.
One of the many reasons why I detest ESPN. They give him a pass for this crap every single time. If they had won the game after he left, he would have miraculously came back. Like he did two seasons ago. How many back surgeries can you have? It is a joke, and Duke fans don’t even question it. All for the precious win…
You are correct on college football coaches sucking. Because they do. Everyone knows that it isn’t the best coach, but the best recruiter who wins. If you can’t recruit, you won’t win. Why do coaches deserve taxpayer protection? They lie to families for a living.
Hamilton, not to sound like a cheerleader, but this is really well said, and timely. Did anyone here that they have two outside sources for the Buzzfeed story now? And remember, this doesn’t include his tax returns. Lawd knows what is in that?
It was disgusting. I don’t know what the refs believe about Cam or the Broncos. But every quarterback is not to be hit in the head. Von Miller hit Cam in the head on the strip sack fumble for touchdown, during the Super Bowl.
It's his school for highschool quarterbacks, that gave him cred.
He is not the reason we win.(He’s black)
Making money of off Lebron by trying to destroy his reputation, while making money doing so....... as a business strategy, not the Nah! He's the worst.
Ooooohhh, I know who's next. As a Panthers fan, this is the come to Jesus moment we so richly deserve. I can't even pick my best story. I'll email you a couple, and you get to pick. Ugh! I already hate myself.
Tomi, how can you tell the truth, when your eyebrows and roots disagree?
Harrison is extremely dumb or extremely confused.
Slow Clap........tip of the hat sir.
It is the do you remember where you were when this happened moment of football that I will never forget. When you know you saw something that should never happen, but it did, and you look around to see if other people saw it too. If Cleveland is the Factory of Sadness, then the Jets are clown town.
Yeah, the real problem with Indiana fans is they truly believe that Luck is the greatest quarterback that ever existed, because Todd McShay said so. It is the dumbest circular logic in history. Luck is a can't miss number one pick, so he has to be better than any quarterback his age, because we lost Peyton Manning. Is…
The Falcons blow. They have always blown. Not because the team is a disaster. No, because their quarterbacks are, were, always will be; utter disasters. And what's worse. The fans know so little about football, that they don't know the difference. I despise no quarterback more than Matty I-think I crapped my pants,…
I pray, that this is not real.
Zodiac, you are truly evil. That stat picture is burned into my brain. I go back and look at it, because it is now my master. I'm a freaking Carolina Panther fan, and I feel deep lose and regret. I hate you.
Fisher uses players like Toilet Paper. Wipe and flush.
I'm not from Youngston State, and even I knew they played in a dome. Yeah Philly you got a keeper.
The number one sign you need a new GM. He uses PFF as a guide for scouting. The most NBC thing you can do, because NBC is a titan of entertainment and sports...... God I despise Chris Collinsworth.