Richard Something

Not only is Goblet of Fire at the level of Prisoner of Azkaban (I love them both), it's a bit better. Even with angry Dumbledore hurting everyone's feelings.

Better pacing? No. Though I guess TFA could have done with more scenes where people walk and have a conversation or sit on a couch and have a conversation. Better characters? No. Though I guess TFA could have included more vaguely (and not so vaguely) racist alien caricatures. Actual world building? Lucas did indeed

Which is nuts, because Linda Cardellini has a well documented love of archery and explosions. Especially when the two things are combined.

Just listen to Werewolves of London on repeat, drink half a bottle of whiskey, and fall asleep. Then you won't care. That's what I do, and not just on Halloween.

'RP: I was like, “Are you serious? Another eczema scene?”'

Uh, Poochie was inspired by the concept of being an outrageous dude who is totally in your face. He had no precedent and no equals.

I love how this trailer posits that saying the words "Ring Theory" and noting they used lots of miniatures in the prequels will suddenly make us all realize that weakly scripted, woodenly acted, poorly shot films are actually quite good! Yes, it's blatantly obvious that Lucas was trying to "rhyme" the prequels with

Sorry if I sounded a bit rude there! Ultimately, you could kind of say the opposite occurred: Rabin's assassination emboldened the right-wing hardliners in Israel's government to keep on building settlements in the Occupied Territories, and this pissed off the Palestinians, some of whom started a bunch of shit. So

Considering Rabin was assassinated by an Israeli ultranationalist who was angry about his peace initiatives, I'm not entirely sure why this would have emboldened the Palestinians or made Israelis pissed at them.

It sure is.

I'm alive! Haven't any of you ever heard that the safest place to be when in the path of a tornado is in a wifi enabled pool on a bus at the mall? That myth about going down to a cellar or basement is just bullshit passed around by tornado-partisans.

This applies to a lot of groups, so it's rude of you to limit it to the internet. A lot of people in this pool with me right now? They don't know what breaking the fourth wall means. A lot of people on this bus, a lot of people at this mall, a lot of people in the path of this tornado, etc.

I apologize for the confusion. I've always referred to NZ as Space Australia.

Phase 2 "includes many benefits due to expanded knowledge of clone anatomy." What? Do Space Australians have an extra set of genitalia that only appear when they're cloned?

It's a shame she dropped the word "whilst" from the rewritten opening, I've always considered it one of the top ten coolest ways to say "while".