Richard Schiller

Your difficult time is not because youre a woman but because youre retarded. Maybe YOUR man kicked you in the head, likely your father did. Your label of anything i say as non-sensical merely proves you are the jurist on TV who has been jailing all the innocents as murderers, and setting all the murderers free. Like

when then you claim superman is sci-fi and ninja turtles and wonder woman. None of that is sci-fi. Science fiction writing means to use science as plausible imaginations. I agree much sci-fi never can become real, but usually they are filled with smaller things that become invented. Your cell phone tablet hooked to

i live in a real world of reality that does not have pandas that are turquoise in its plausible sci-fi. Further, women are less threatened, case example a woman made a crack about things up my arse so i went to the automobile union chief steward and he said the board put him down. i made issue asking why and he said

I always thought StarTrek VOYAGER did a good job in their time travel

never saw it but i agree, lots of hokey sci-fi not even near real so as to entertain the plausible what if scenerio. I must admit the cool idea of time eating up behind you was a cool stephen king idea, possibly the only one. I bet he stole it from some ancient TV episode

Alan you should have watched life on Mars to the last episode on Netflix because he wakes up before they land on Mars, the whole series was a dream episode while sleeping on the way to Mars

actually youre lacking because the magnetic field pulling in northern lights are caused by solar flares of the sun 93 million miles away, much bigger forces than friction lightning from air movement. So to step down from solar to thunderstorm is not just hokey but implies the new script director is a retard who

Mystic ? you call the astronomy of the star Sothis and calculating it correctly to establish an Egyptian year as something mystic. Thats the whole point, fucked up you all think you have truth in your own minds and back off anyone and everyone as if mystic if proving you wrong and incorrect and without truth and a

Wiki-Pedia is a fraud system for finding truth. Its moderators are like Cartholic priests that prevent all other religion. Look up Sothic cycle. There is no such thing. The cycle is calendar not star Sothis. Without leap day the Egyptian date Thoth on July 20 will be July 19 in four years then July 18 in 8 years. The

at least i have an identity, and do not hide crime in privacy walls. And carry out my mission that identifies stalkers as people with nose up arse seeking to find crap by browsing comment history. And i can define in proven definition that the most common use of the word gibberish is a name-label accusation from

and you cant read n or imagine because i knew there was no cursor jump nor typo to say 6 wings. It says big fat ostrich with 6 inches of wing. Disney movies with little wings on big fat giant objects are destructive to imagination of potential true science-fiction. Your mind is NOT excercised if all you dwell on is

well by using the word excercise the mind you bring a stupidity into it if you think excercise is one-way chin-ups. Let's see you do 20 chin-ups upward and never go down. Excercising your mind toward science is not just imagining what can be, but also creating imagination of what can't be. You do not imagine a way

depends on the ionization. TOLD you that ION should have bought this series.

No no no, you say HUH because you're not listening. They kept saying Jaimy. It's just that the director had a hair-lip. She has a little brother too, Raimy and Rain Man, i mean Jaimy and Raymond. But like the sex scene she goes hotistic. I didn't think they had ham radios anywhere anymore. Though you had to go to

wrong, so wrong. It was impractical that the ham radio could be moved to dad in the hospital where all the factors (just like Verizon's can you hear me now) would fail. The alignment of anomaly is by odds NOT going to work by moving it. Like I said, mere entertainment. Another simple fact in TIMELESS. The machine

well if you knew the heavens (or space as you call it) you would knw that neither space nor time can be folded and that is a fantasy lie. Don't compare it to airplanes because birds do fly and planes copy it, dolphins do have sonar and subs copy it. There is no way to copy time travel or folded space, it defies the

That was not a true butterfly effect. The butterfly effect is about the whole world changing because of the butterfly you kill in the past. Ashton was pretty much a quantum leap jumping only into his own body of his own life. Scott Bakula used to jump into other people during his life. Script writers pretty much copy

Sybil had 21 lives.

exactly, they haven't even reached new territory yet because this pilot was just the first half of the movie

In the movie the radio got bashed in the past and dad had to fix it before moving on. The movie keeps the same GAP between past and future at all times (caused by the solar flares). So goofs cannot be changed. Once mom dies, in the past, then it cannot be changed. Mom died between the past, and the future, so mom can