My favorite is still Ravishing Rick Rude.
My favorite is still Ravishing Rick Rude.
This is what the Wizards thought when they had Arenas too. That never worked out against the Cavs in the playoffs. I bet Wizards fans still think the Cavs are “rivals”.
“but it’s hard to see him wanting to bump Kevin Love off that team after tonight.”
They take a timeout away in last 2 minutes. For the rest of the game the clock stops on injury timeout.
Every shot was someone sitting in a luxury box too. “Come look at all the millionaires on display!”
What was the shirt? They removed it from the team shop.
Have we figured out how Kristen Stewart still has a career?
So it’s his own fault he won the genetic lottery and had good parents who could provide and take care of him? Fuck off.
How lazy are you?
Punishment: Enslavement.
More likely the camera was tracking the foul ball and he and his big, hot-dog eating mouth were the landing spot.
To go from as good a pure orator as we’ve seen in Obama to this... it’s hard to take.
Roenick would be crazy enough to go after whoever did that.
Is it too early for Comment of the Year?
You keep saying we need to do this we need to do this but your why? is still lacking.
Most Trump supporters don’t have a Charles Schwab account to look at.
Billy Wagner is so much better than Trevor Hoffman it isn’t funny.
The utility company replaced some cables in my front yard this summer. They came back and planted all new grass in the affected areas. Problem is it’s completely different grass and grows at a completely different rate. Looks awful.
5% of Goldman Sachs stock would cost $4.6 billion. Maybe if they put their hats down and played the saxophone on the sidewalk.