
Of course, it’s really just Google Translate picking up on really a LOT of people calling Russia “Mordor”. ;-) But in fact Tolkien imagined Middle-Earth as a sort of ancient Europe (though more aesthetically than geographically), so it’s not *totally* untrue. What exactly he intended Mordor to parallel with is not

“Then at last his gaze was held. Wall upon wall, battlement upon battlement. Mountain of iron, gate of steel, tower of adamant: he saw it. Kremlin, fortress of Putin.”

Can’t believe nobody did this yet, but oh well. Here ya-go. It’s a quick job, and not too good. Sorry. I’m busy.

google wasn’t wrong

I don’t see why this was considered an error?

Last month, Google was translating the Hebrew for Happy Holiday as Merry Christmas!

Hey I know I get a little orc-ish after a few shots of Smirnoff

Putin is more like what Grima would have become if he had survived the fall of Sauron and Saruman. Like what Sauron did after the fall of Morgoth Bauglir.

Or has Mordor simply been hiding in front of us the whole time and now they don’t care if we know?

Earlier this week, Ukranian media noticed a slight glitch wherein Google Translate was giving “Mordor” as a translation for “Russian Federation.” The good news is that they’ve fixed the problem.

In Russian Federation , Mordor translates Google!

Aww, they shouldn’t have :)

Well that explains a lot:

But one can certainly fly in

Those seem like legitimate translations to me. Google should have left them as they were.